Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3 - Katie Deutsch - T-shirts

First T-shirt:

So this shirt is about the person wearing it, not the people looking at it. The person wearing it can look down and see the image right-side up. It's also kind of creepy because it's a man's shadow watching a young women get into the water. I like how the shirt plays with the person wearing it.

Second shirt.

Front. (on left chest area)


This second shirt is for my potential restaurant on-campus. (Provided I stay motivated you should all come! Opening soon!) Anyways, I like the frame and the honeycomb-infused pepper, combing savory and sweet. What I played with a lot are the fonts. The "THE" was a different font altogether but then I wanted to keep the combination theme going. I worry that the "SAVORY" isn't quite dark enough to compete but the outline and solid again, compete. I want there to be some sort of tension between the savory and the suite.

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